first published 21/07/2014
Message from GIRES – You may have an interest in this announcement.
The Imperial College Healthcare Trust, which is to be inspected, is responsible for gender reassignment surgery at the Charing Cross Hospital.
It is not responsible for …the nearby Gender Identity Clinic, which is the responsibility of the separate West London Mental Health NHS Trust.
Care Quality Commission inspection of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be inspecting this NHS Trust from the 2nd of September 2014, which includes Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea, St. Mary’s and Western Eye Hospitals.
The inspection team is very interested to hear from anyone who has used services in the last 12 months about their experiences. The inspection team is also keen to hear evidence from local voluntary & community sector groups about the quality and safety of care that their members and service users have experienced. Please tell CQC about your experiences by Monday 28th July 2014.
You can send reports, peoples stories of care or other evidence your group holds about people’s care to , by post to CQC, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA, or you can ring CQC on 03000 616161. Please put the name of the service you are sending information about in the title to help CQC pass it to the right inspection team.
You can send evidence of high-quality care as well as any concerns you have identified. CQC will use your information to help the inspection team plan the inspection and what to look for on the inspection. The inspection team will ask these five questions about the trust and its services:
• Is it safe?
• Is it effective?
• Is it caring?
• Is it responsive to people’s needs?
• Is it well-led?
You can read more about how CQC carry out their inspections on their website
Thank you very much for helping CQC to understand people’s experiences of care. An inspection report will be available after the inspection and published on their website.(
You can pass your comments direct to the CQC at the above address or if you wish to add your thoughts to SEGI’s MGSD Centre’s response we can add them to our group response. email with the subject title CQC SEGI
Posted: 04/07/2020 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Picnic Under The Rainbow
This was a mini Rochester Pride Festival organised by Kent & Medway LGBT Community Action Group. They held two pride events in Rochester befor helping Margate Pride